Press Release
2024 State of Sustainable Fleets: Industry Rises to Meet Peak Complexity with Unprecedented Innovation & Investment

May 20, 2024
Fleets grapple with regulatory uncertainty and differences across jurisdictions while facing growing pains
with new technologies.
2023 Market Brief: Diesel Engine Development Begins to Sunset as Fleets, Funding, & Regulators Focus in on ZEVs

May 1, 2023
The 2023 report highlights that public policy and funding has shifted sharply to build the ZEV market and sunset diesel engine development on an accelerated timeframe.
2022 State of Sustainable Fleets Report Finds Fleets Are Accelerating Use of Clean Vehicles

May 9, 2022
In the third annual report, transportation fleets continued to report a resounding trend — their use of clean fuels and advanced vehicle technologies is rapidly progressing.
State of Sustainable Fleets Finds Growth of Clean Vehicle Market, Despite Outlier Year

May 26, 2021
Report confirms operational benefits and sustainability commitments continue to drive growth in the clean technology market for fleets.
Our Report Findings In the News
Elon Musk Said Teslas Semi Would Transform Trucking 6 Years Later Customers Are Still Waiting

June 1, 2023
Forbes investigates Tesla’s claims over the development timeline of the Tesla Semi product.
Is the End of Diesel Vehicles Near?

May 18, 2023
Mexico-based outlet T21 covers the highlights of 2023’s State of Sustainable Fleets Market Brief.
You’re About to See Way More Electric School Buses—Here’s Why

May 6, 2023
Electric school buses are here. And there. And over there. Last year, 2400 electric school buses were ordered in the U.S., according to the 2023 State of Sustainable Fleets report.
Diesel Era Will End ‘Sooner’ Than Predicted: Report

May 1, 2023
“The past 18 months have laid the roadmap for a zero-emission future in many states and produced early signals that the era of the diesel engine, the workhorse of HD [heavy-duty] vehicles, will end sooner than many predicted,” concludes the State of Sustainable Fleets Report.
How Quickly Can Trucking Decarbonize? California Is About to Find Out

May 1, 2023
The value of federal incentives for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles is anticipated to be $24 billion per year over the next four to five years, per GNA’s report.
Decarbonizing Medium, Heavy-Duty Trucks

October 30, 2022
According to the 2022 State of Sustainable Fleets report, battery electric adoption will be easier for fleets with daily return-to-base routes under 200 miles with predictable access to charging stations.
HDT Fact Book 2022: Attention Shifts Away from Diesel Trucks

September 1, 2022
Nearly 85% of fleets that have used propane, compressed natural gas, battery-electric vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles intend to grow their use of these technologies.
Alternative Fuels, Propulsion Poised for Growth in U.S. Fleets

May 26, 2022
Stronger government support and higher prices at the pump are driving increased fleet adoption of clean-vehicle technologies, according to new sustainability report.
Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks are Hitting the Roads in California and Beyond

May 17, 2022
Study after study indicates that electric trucks are hitting cost and range targets that put them in the running to handle a rising share of U.S. freight-moving needs — at least for freight that doesn’t need to be moved more than a few hundred miles per day.
ACT Expo 2022 Highlights Advancements in EV Technology

Image: ZF
May 10, 2022
As fleets and other sectors move toward electrification and other technologies, there will be impacts on traditional components and systems such as hydraulics and pneumatics, making reports an informative asset for many manufacturers serving transportation.
On the Glide Path to Net Zero

Image: Photo: Jack Roberts
May 10, 2022
The report found that fleet use of clean fuels and advanced vehicle technologies is rapidly progressing. The authors surveyed nearly 250 U.S.-based fleets that have used clean fuels and vehicles, including propane, compressed natural gas, battery-electric vehicles, or fuel-cell-electric vehicles.
More Fleets are Adding Clean Vehicles, Report Finds

Image: Josh Fisher I Fleet Owner
May 10, 2022
Nearly 85% of fleets expect zero-emission technology use to grow, according to the third State of Sustainable Fleets report. A record-setting crowd has showed up to ACT Expo to learn more about clean technology and its potential path to commercialization.
Survey Cites Fleets’ Growing Acceptance of Alt Fuels, Sustainable Tech

May 10, 2022
The use of clean fuels and advanced vehicle technologies is rapidly progressing, according to a recent survey of 250 fleets. Fleets cited their move toward environmental sustainability and carbon reduction.
10 Findings About the State of Sustainable Fleets Report

Image: Illustration: istock
May 9, 2022
Interest in alternative fuels, battery-electric vehicles, and fuel cells continues to grow as corporations look to begin their shift away from gasoline- and diesel-based transportation. Now it’s up to suppliers to prove the related economic and environmental benefits.
State Of Sustainable Fleets Finds Fleets Are Accelerating Use Of Clean Vehicles

May 9, 2022
Report authors surveyed nearly 250 U.S.-based fleets that have used clean fuels and vehicles including propane vehicles, compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles, battery-electric vehicles, or fuel cell electric vehicles.
Trucking’s Green Movement isn’t Void of Diesel

Image: Bruno Vincent via Getty Images
October 11, 2021
Renewable diesel and natural gas can produce a “double-green effect” that cut downs carbon and costs. Much of the sustainability conversation in trucking centers on FCEVs and BEVs: Which is going to be more dominant?
Sustainability Commitments Drive Growth in Clean Tech. Market for Fleets

Image: Getty Images
May 26, 2021
Leading fleet operators are utilizing a mixture of clean technologies along with incumbent fuels and efficiency measures to realize immediate emission reductions while satisfying their own increased commitments on sustainability and demands from customers for the same.
Sustainable Fleets: 2020 ‘Transformative’ for Battery-Electric Growth

Image: Daimler Trucks North America
July 20, 2021
Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of clean technology and fuel adoption among commercial vehicle fleet users has continued. This past year saw growth in orders and deliveries for natural gas, battery-electric, and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, according to the second State of Sustainable Fleets report.
9 Reasons Clean Fleet Adoption is Accelerating

Image: Shutterstock
June 23, 2021
A few weeks ago GNA updated the “State of Sustainable Fleets” report, with a few significant developments over the last nine months that led the authors to proclaim 2020 “a landmark year for the clean fleet industry.”
Sustainable Fleets Report: Clean Vehicle Market Growth Accelerates

Image: Yuliia/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
June 21, 2021
Clean technology consulting firm Gladstein, Neandross & Associates (GNA) released its annual State of Sustainable Fleets report with the 2021 Market and Trends brief, an analysis examining the current state of today’s leading on-road clean vehicle technologies for fleet operators.
EV ‘Newcomers’ not Prepared for CV Demands: O’Leary

Image: TBB
June 3, 2021
DTNA chief says ‘dabblers’ in electric trucks lack the industry-specific experience to meet the customization, complexity demands of body manufacturers, upfitters in building functional commercial vehicles.
State of Sustainable Fleets: Keeping Options Open

Image: The State of Sustainable Fleets
June 2, 2021
This year’s Sustainable Fleets panel discussion drew experts from the OEM, leasing, energy and fleet operational sectors and presented some interesting analysis. While environmental concerns are currently a hot topic, the future success of road transport requires careful consideration of multiple energy strategies.
Waste Management Looks to Surpass 80% CNG Collection Fleet

Image: Waste Management
June 2, 2021
The report states that CNG, on average, provides a greenhouse gas emission reduction of 11% for refuse vehicles. In general, while the environmental sustainability of these vehicle alternatives is key, economic sustainability is also critically important, said GNA CEO Erik Neandross.
Battery-Electric Powertrains Lead Advancements in Clean Tech Despite Growing Pains

Image: Penske
June 2, 2021
All-electric continues to beat out hydrogen fuel cell in the emerging zero-emission powertrain market, according to an annual alt fuel report released this week by energy consulting firm Gladstein, Neandross & Associates (GNA).
Freight Fleets Continued Clean Vehicle Rollouts Despite Pandemic, Report Shows

Image: DC Velocity
June 1, 2021
Despite the stresses of the Covid pandemic on logistics operations worldwide, freight fleet operators have continued to pursue their targets of implementing new clean vehicle technologies to improve both environmental and business benefits, survey finds.
Clean Fleets Make Dollars and Sense, So Why Doesn’t USPS Clean Up?

Image: Andrew Winkler/Unsplash
June 1, 2021
A new report makes a strong bottom-line case for fleet managers to adopt new clean transportation technologies that are mature, available, and appropriate. Policy makers will have the final say on clean fleets, but the study provides strong dollars-and-cents support for electrifying fleets, including the nationwide U.S. Postal Service fleet.
CV ‘Sustainability’ Market Sees Growth Despite Atypical Year

Image: Vaclav Volrab | Dreamstime
May 28, 2021
The 2021 State of Sustainable Fleets report, authored by Gladstein, Neandross & Associates (GNA), confirmed that even in an extreme outlier year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fleets increased orders and deliveries for natural gas and battery-electric vehicles, as well as for lower-carbon renewable fuels.